Dorigo Design
FiorenzoDorigowas born in Treviso, Italy in 1953. Starting from 1975 while studying artistic design, he worked on design and image for companies in the furniture industry.
Since 1977 he has been on active part of the Signomegastudio and works closely with Bruno Maria Fracarossiin the “total design” experience for the “Seabuggy” projects (selected for the Golden Compass in 1979) and “Quartz” (kitchen covered in tempered glass: 1982).
Member of ADI, IIDD (iatlianInsitutefor Design and Disability) and freelance designer since 1987, he has acquired much experience in the ecological, recreation and pedagogic fields, and in systems and typologies for interiorehouse design, electrical appliances, office, community centre, cinema and theatre interior design in Europe, the United States and the Far East.
In 2002 and 2003 he held applied design seminaries at the wood industry institute which is part of Padua University.
He designs for companies in the domestic, office and community centre.
He works from his studio in Italy (ConeglianoVeneto).