Radice Orlandini
Andrea Radicewas born in Milan in 1979, FolcoOrlandiniis from Tuscany and was born in 1972. Both graduated from the Milan Polytechnic, Andrea in industrial design and Folcoin architecture. After various work experiences they met at Studio LUCCIORLANDINI and in 2008 began to work together on various projects. Andrea is keen on sport and culture, and with his natural curiosity he is always in search of interesting new stimuli. Folcois fascinated by Man, his infinite potential and life in all its forms and expressions. He says he is stimulated by the urban buzz which triggers his unbridled passion for the visual arts. Both uphold true design: design that creates emotion, that keeps you up at night, that gets your hands dirty in the laboratory, design that combines function and aesthetics to make its mark in the long term.